Acupuncture in Preston

A body and mind that are functioning optimally result in a happy, healthy and pain free person. If you’ve found yourself here reading this, it's very likely you don't feel like you're functioning optimally. You may be experiencing symptoms that make you feel:

  • Unhappy - for example depression, anxiety, stress
  • Unhealthy - for example Fatigue, digestion, infertility
  • Or in pain - for example arthritis, fibromyalgia, menstrual issues, muscular aches and pains

All symptoms, including those above indicate that some of the functions in your body and/or mind are off balance and need to be addressed.

Here at the Acupuncture Lounge we work with you to address those imbalances, we use treatments to remind your body how to get back into balance and do exactly what it was designed to do, and knows how to do - function optimally, resulting in a happier, healthier and pain free you.

Who We Help

We see people who are complaining of all of the above and more. Sometimes we are the first port of call for people, but more often than not our patients have sought help from their GP and specialists, however they are still in pain or don't feel as happy and healthy as they know they could.

They feel frustrated as they have been told everything is normal, or to accept the way they feel, they are often told there is nothing they can do to help themselves and that medication is the answer.

The people that seek our help know how they are feeling it isn't normal, they don't want to stay feeling that way and know there must be something they can do to feel better. Some of them don't want to be taking prescription medications, particularly painkillers inevitably. All of them want a natural solution to be HAPPY, HEALTHY & PAIN FREE!

We Make Your Health & Wellbeing Our Priority

We take the time to listen to you and explore the details of what has been going on with your health and well-being and combine this information with Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and examinations to determine the root cause of your symptoms.

We achieve results where others have not, by not only determining the root cause of the symptoms linked to your main complaint, but by also understanding the connection of the root cause and all the current symptoms you have that might seem unrelated.

Once we have the necessary information we make a clear diagnosis and devise comprehensive and holistic treatment plans targeted at the root of your problem, and your symptoms.

Our 1:1 treatment plans include acupuncture, other Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities to address your current imbalances. We also give diet and lifestyle advice, allowing you to see your health from a new and empowering perspective to keep you in balance for long term health and happiness - prevention is cheaper than the cure.

We Will Provide You With Consistent Care

The key to eliciting any change in your life, health and well-being is consistency, and this is especially important with acupuncture as it has a cumulative effect. We only take on a limited number of patients at any one time, should you choose to become a patient here at The Acupuncture Lounge we put systems in place to ensure you have access to treatments as frequently as you need them, and on a day and time that works for you within clinic hours. No more needing an appointment next week and not being able to come!

We Have Experience

Established in 2014, we have helped 100s and 100s of people to improve the quality of their lives; helping them to achieve a happy, healthy and pain free state. Take a look at our testimonials

If we sound like the people that could help you transform your Health, Happiness & Pain, feel free to book a FREE no obligation Can Acupuncture Help Me Consultation. To claim yours BOOK ONLINE, or please fill in the contact details in the contact box and we will be in touch.

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